
Participation in European Union policy


EuroLyme participates in the European Union's debates and public consultations.

We are in the EU Transparency Register no. 084971650245-03.


The European Parliament resolution of 15 November 2018 on Lyme disease (borreliosis) 2018/2774(RSP) is a base for the European policy of EuroLyme.


In february 2022, Member of European Parliament Frédérique Ries and EuroLyme have jointly drawn 2 texts written questions to the European Commission.

Written question 1: Methods to diagnose Lyme disease (borreliosis) earlier and more effectively
Question PDF
Answer web HTML
Answer PDF

Written question 2: Compliance by Member States with the obligation to report cases of Lyme disease (borreliosis)
Question PDF
Answer web HTML
Answer PDF

In these 2 texts, we ask :

 1  new blood tests, in order to improve their reliability, at the beginning and at the end of the infection
 2  follow-up of a group of patients to determine the useful duration of treatment, based on blood tests (even experimental) showing the end of an infection (such as the phage-based test)
 3  to encourage the use of products based on plant extracts as an alternative to antimicrobials
 4  information if Member States report cases of infected persons
 5  which Member States have contacted the European institutions for logistical support aimed at information and awareness-raising campaigns
 6  information on new methods implemented in recent years to detect, diagnose and treat the different forms of Lyme

The answers are a basis for further dialogue with the European institutions.


EMA and Malta call for alternatives for Lyme antibiotics on revision EU general pharmaceutical legislation event.

EuroLyme took the opportunity to ask the first question in this event in Brussels on 13 March 2023.
We thank for great support for Lyme patients :
Emer Cooke, Executive Director, European Medicines Agency
Christopher Fearne, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Health, Malta



EuroLyme EU contributions :

18/9/2024 DG Research Feedback European Research Area - the new ERA 4 years on: achievements, lessons learnt and the way forward
6/5/2024 DG Health / EU4Health Survey Targeted Stakeholders’ Consultation about EU4Health Annual Work Programme 2025
25/4/2024 DG Health / DG Research Survey Horizon Europe work programme 2025 - Cluster 1 Health - Destination 3 Tackling diseases and reducing disease burden
28/12/2023 DG Health Feedback EU4Health programme 2021-2027 – interim evaluation
1/7/2023 DG Health Feedback Revision of the EU general pharmaceuticals legislation
9/6/2023 DG Health / EU4Health Conference EU4Health Stakeholders' Conference
14/12/2022 DG Health / DG Research Survey Horizon Europe – interim evaluation / Horizon 2020 programme - Final Evaluation
2/9/2022 DG Health Feedback Blood, tissues and cells for medical treatments & therapies – revised EU rules
2/7/2022 DG Health / DG Research Feedback Interim evaluation of Horizon Europe
2/7/2022 DG Health / DG Research Feedback Horizon 2020 programme - Final Evaluation
13/6/2022 DG Health Survey Stakeholders' Targeted Consultation on EU4Health priorities, strategic orientations and needs
3/6/2022 DG Health Survey Public Consultation on 3rd health programme (2014-2020) - final evaluation
17/5/2022 International Patient Organisation for Primary Immunodeficiencies Webinar PID Forum: Anti-Microbial Resistance and the PID Perspective
5/5/2022 DG Research Feedback A New European Innovation Agenda
14/3/2022 DG Health Feedback Antimicrobial resistance - recommendation for greater action
18/11/2021 ESCAIDE / ECDC Webinar European Antibiotic Awareness Day 2021
25/10/2021 DG Health Survey Open Public Consultation on the revision of the general pharmaceutical legislation
7/10/2021 EUPHA / UK Public Health Webinar Public Health, Climate Change and Strategic Litigation
28/9/2021 WHO Survey Health impact assessment (HIA) and health assessment (HA) in environmental assessments - Status review 2021
10/9/2021 DG Health / EU4Health Webinar&Intervention EU4Health Work Programme 2022: targeted stakeholder consultation outcome
8/6/2021 DG Health EU Health Policy Platform Webinar Public hearing on the opinion on mental health of health workforce and other essential workers
25/4/2021 DG Health Feedback Evaluation and revision of the general pharmaceutical legislation
4/4/2021 European HEpRA Survey European Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Authority Public Consultation
25/2/2021 University of Gothenburg Centre for Person-Centred Care Webinar&Intervention A European standard for patient participation in person-centred care
24/1/2021 DG Health Survey Online Public Consultation on the Revision of the EU Legislation on Blood, Tissues and Cells
20/10/2020 DG Health / EXPH Webinar&Comments The organisation of resilient health and social care following the COVID-19 pandemic
15/10/2020 EUPHA_CHR / IBTN / WHO Webinar Chronicdiseases Behavioural insights and public health
23/8/2020 DG Health / EMA / HMA Survey Public consultation on European Medicines Agencies Network Strategy to 2025


EU policy contact John Vandeput